*Virtual* The Sharing Experience (TSE)

*Virtual* The Sharing Experience (TSE)

This is a 5-day, 40-hour, interactive, basic domestic violence training. This training will include topics such as safety planning, legal issues, dynamics of power and oppression, advocacy, empowerment, advocacy skills, and self-care. This training is designed for professionals working with people and communities impacted by domestic violence, including staff and advocates of domestic violence shelters, social workers, health care providers, faith-based leaders, sexual assault nurse examiners, child welfare providers, law enforcement, attorneys, officers of the court, offender treatment providers and others who interact with survivors. These people abuse children exposed to domestic violence.

The content and discussion in this training will necessarily engage with racism, sexism, ableism, oppression, privilege, homophobia, transphobia, colonialism, white supremacy, and interpersonal and structural violence. Much of it will be emotionally and intellectually challenging to engage with. We will do our best to make this training a space to engage bravely, empathetically, and thoughtfully with complex content. Attendees are encouraged to take charge of their health and learning.

May 13, 2024 - May 17, 2024 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Virtual ACESDV 602-279-2900 info@acesdv.org